Song title Rocio Durcal or Juan Gabriel
Artist Amor Eterno
Tú eres la tristeza de mis ojos,
Que lloran en silencio por tu amor.
Me miro en el espejo y veo en mi rostro
El tiempo que he sufrido por tu adios.
Obligo a que te olvide el pensamiento,
Pues siempre estoy pensando en el ayer.
Prefiero estar dormida que despierta
De tanto que me duele que no estes.
Como quisiera, ay,
que tu vivieras,
Que tus ojitos jamás se hubieran cerrado nunca,
Y estar mirandolos.
Amor eterno,
e inolvidable.
Tarde o temprano estaré contigo
Para seguir................. amandonos.
da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da
Yo he sufrido tanto por tu ausencia,
Desde ése día hasta hoy, no soy feliz.
Y aunque tengo tranquila mi consciencia,
Sé que pude haber yo hecho más por tí.
Oscura soledad estoy viviendo,
La misma soledad de tu sepulcro.
Tú eres el amor del cual yo tengo
El más triste recuerdo de Acapulco.
Como quisiera, ay, que tu vivieras,
Que tus ojitos jamás se hubieran
cerrado nunca, y estar mirandolos.
Amor eterno, e inolvidable.
Tarde o temprano estaré contigo
para seguir amandonos.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
When we’re together
English translation from internet, of
When we’re together
I feel like wanting you forever
You turn me on ,and on and on
Show me the love you’ve got for me
I feel the passion that you’re giving
Loving you makes everything worth fighting for
You can dance and romance
Don’t you take that away from me baby
Yo Te amo
Mi amór
Cómo te quiéro
Tu cuerpo,
Piél de fuego
Cómo te quiéro
Mente ator-
Cómo te quiéro- Mi amór
Cómo te quiero
Te quiero
Cómo te quiero -Miamór
When we are together
I feel like loving you forever
I can’t resiste your sweet kiss
Nothing ever compares to this baby
Feel the passion that I’m giving
loving you makes everything worth living for
You can squeeze, you can please
Don’t you take that away from me, baby
When we’re together
I feel like wanting you forever
You turn me on ,and on and on
Show me the love you’ve got for me
I feel the passion that you’re giving
Loving you makes everything worth fighting for
You can dance and romance
Don’t you take that away from me baby
Yo Te amo
Mi amór
Cómo te quiéro
Tu cuerpo,
Piél de fuego
Cómo te quiéro
Mente ator-
Cómo te quiéro- Mi amór
Cómo te quiero
Te quiero
Cómo te quiero -Miamór
When we are together
I feel like loving you forever
I can’t resiste your sweet kiss
Nothing ever compares to this baby
Feel the passion that I’m giving
loving you makes everything worth living for
You can squeeze, you can please
Don’t you take that away from me, baby
Song title Rocio Durcal or Juan Gabriel
Artist Amor Eterno
Tú eres la tristeza de mis ojos,
Que lloran en silencio por tu amor.
Me miro en el espejo y veo en mi rostro
El tiempo que he sufrido por tu adios.
Obligo a que te olvide el pensamiento,
Pues siempre estoy pensando en el ayer.
Prefiero estar dormida que despierta
De tanto que me duele que no estes.
Como quisiera, ay,
que tu vivieras,
Que tus ojitos jamás se hubieran cerrado nunca,
Y estar mirandolos.
Amor eterno,
e inolvidable.
Tarde o temprano estaré contigo
Para seguir................. amandonos.
da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da
Yo he sufrido tanto por tu ausencia,
Desde ése día hasta hoy, no soy feliz.
Y aunque tengo tranquila mi consciencia,
Sé que pude haber yo hecho más por tí.
Oscura soledad estoy viviendo,
La misma soledad de tu sepulcro.
Tú eres el amor del cual yo tengo
El más triste recuerdo de Acapulco.
Como quisiera, ay, que tu vivieras,
Que tus ojitos jamás se hubieran
cerrado nunca, y estar mirandolos.
Amor eterno, e inolvidable.
Tarde o temprano estaré contigo
para seguir amandonos.
Artist Amor Eterno
Tú eres la tristeza de mis ojos,
Que lloran en silencio por tu amor.
Me miro en el espejo y veo en mi rostro
El tiempo que he sufrido por tu adios.
Obligo a que te olvide el pensamiento,
Pues siempre estoy pensando en el ayer.
Prefiero estar dormida que despierta
De tanto que me duele que no estes.
Como quisiera, ay,
que tu vivieras,
Que tus ojitos jamás se hubieran cerrado nunca,
Y estar mirandolos.
Amor eterno,
e inolvidable.
Tarde o temprano estaré contigo
Para seguir................. amandonos.
da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da
Yo he sufrido tanto por tu ausencia,
Desde ése día hasta hoy, no soy feliz.
Y aunque tengo tranquila mi consciencia,
Sé que pude haber yo hecho más por tí.
Oscura soledad estoy viviendo,
La misma soledad de tu sepulcro.
Tú eres el amor del cual yo tengo
El más triste recuerdo de Acapulco.
Como quisiera, ay, que tu vivieras,
Que tus ojitos jamás se hubieran
cerrado nunca, y estar mirandolos.
Amor eterno, e inolvidable.
Tarde o temprano estaré contigo
para seguir amandonos.
To Lynae Happy 25 birthday

Lynae turned 15 that June at Cemenauac University, and didn't do a lot of studying of Spanish, but we were all enamoued with her.
AFter days of silence in Spanish classes, her enthusiasm to go on an adventure got the best of her and loosened her tongue: "Vamanos pues!" she shouted with enthusiasm as we began the preparations.
She was and is a beautiful young woman, so full of love, hope and adoration for the world.
Her amazement at the beauties of Mexico were unfeigned, and the beauty of the Mayan princess and Spanish immigrant from Spain were reflected in her very countenance. See Spanish Conquistadores, Mayan Princess and Journal from Spain)
Lynae, princess of all that is good and beautiful. Lynae, the youngest daughter of the youngest daughter of the youngest daughter of the triplets. (See Ancestors)
See also "youngest daughter of the youngest daughter" for pedigree
Lynae, was adored by all who attended Cemenauac that month of June 2000, and the conuntanance in the eyes of the beholders were reflected by the dance teachers, the guitar teacher,Nacho, the leather makers and even the grieving family we lived with. Could there be a more beautiful moment in time to remember, to capture, to sing about in legend and folk song, in spite of the deaths of the local youth in the small village of Pueblo, the election of Vicente Fox as President of Mexico, there was joy and peace and love.
I think we all fell in love with Lynae.
My beautiful Lynae, this is from all of us who were priveleged to watch you
emerge from your cacoon as the the beautiful butterfly you have become.
Te quiero, te amo, por eternidad.
LoLyn, Lynae and Nacho and Jed at Ceminauic University in Pueblo Mexico, during guitar lessons learning the Mexican Folk songs on theis Blog.
Thank you Nacho.
We love you.
We love the memories Summer 2000.

Cuernavaca Mexico
"Place near or by the side of the groove"
Home page of The Borda Garden
Home page of The Robert Brady Museum
Cuernavaca is the Capital City of the State of Morelos, Mexico. Located only 45 minutes from Mexico City (one hour and thirty minutes from the international airport) by the way of the Mexico - Acapulco expressway. Actually world-wide known as "The City of Eternal Spring" due to its excellent template climate with an annual average of 20ºC.
The ancient name of Cuernavaca is "Cuauhnahuac" in Nahuatl which means "Place near or by the side of the groove". Founded seven centuries ago almost a mile high in the Sierra Madre Mountains. Today the pyramid of Teopanzolco rises in a residential neighborhood; a half-hour from where Mesoamerican high priests at Xochicalco studied astronomy in 600 A.D. and arranged the calendar. There remain other vestiges from pre-Hispanic times such as a 14 ton. engraved stone called Chimalli, the great lizard carved in stone found at San Anton and the Chapultepec Eagle, only to name a few.
Until 1910, the state of Morelos was the third major sugar cane producer world wide, after Hawaii and Puerto Rico, but peasants slaved without hope on the enormous sugar cane haciendas. When the Mexican Revolution began, most haciendas were burned to the ground. Some of them have been restored as luxury hotels.
Cuernavaca is a modern tropical city that hosts a score of scientific research institutes, and industrial park with over one hundred industries, seventeen universities and extensions of the National University in Mexico City, and a global assortment of retires diplomats, business executives and government officials. This casual city also attracts people who seek a sunny place for creative or intellectual inquiry where they can find cultural stimulation and spirited conversations. Residents have included Erich Fromm, Diego Rivera, Carlos Fuentes, Helen Hayes, Malcolm Lowry, Ivan Illich, Gabriel Garcia Marques, Barbara Hutton, Rufino Tamayo, David Alfaro Siqueiros, to name a few.
Cuernavaca has also been established as an international learning center for Mexico's Language, Culture and history. At present, there are prestigious Spanish schools devoted to the high academic standards and strict ethical code of teaching Spanish, art and culture from Mexico and Latin America to foreigners.
For many years, Cuernavaca has been known as a resort where both Mexicans and foreigners come to enjoy the clean air, relax and enjoy the incomparable climate. The city is filled with gardens, tennis courts, spa's, golf courses, bathing resorts, restaurants and fine hotels offering every commodity. Within a 40 km radius, sports like water-skiing, fishing, hunting, horseback riding and mountain climbing can be practiced.
Main tourism attractions:
Teopanzolco Archaeological Site. In Nahuatl means "Behind the Old or Abandoned Temple". Considered one of the most important temples of the Pre Hispanic Tlahuica Culture in the Region. The double-temple of Tlaloc-Hutzilopochtli shows us how the ancient inhabitants of Cuauhnahuac built their worshipping sites over previous structures. Open: Monday thru Sunday from 10:00 to 17:00 hrs.
Palace of Cortes or Cuauhnahuac Regional Museum The Palace dates back from the colonial era, built in 1533 over a "Teocalli or Aztec Temple". It served as the summer residence of the conqueror Hernan Cortes and actually houses one of Mexico's finest museums. Among others, you can admire one of the most famous murals of Diego Rivera painted in 1929. Open: Tuesday thru Sunday from 9:00 to 17:00 hrs.
The Cathedral or Assumption's Franciscan Ex-Convent. Amazing architectonic complex formed by an atrium surrounded by tall "battlemented" walls. The Cathedral has been remodeled in the last 20 years and murals depicting the martyrdom of St. Felipe de Jesus were found all along both sides of the walls. There are also some interesting original paintings which date back to the XVII century. In the same complex are found the Chapel of San Jose, The Chapel of Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, the Chapel of Carmen as well as the Temple of Tercer Orden. Its also famous for its
POsted with permision de:
Tour By Mexico ®
e-mail: Phone: (777) 310-6492
Paseo de las Camelias # 3 - 204, Club de Golf Tabachines, 62498 - Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
MSN Messenger:
Mobile phone: + 52 777 203-1283
Tour By Mexico ®
Since 1997 the best and most extensive Mexico tourism website e-mail:
Paseo de las Camelias # 3-204, Club de Golf Tabachines
Cuernavaca 62498, Morelos. Mexico
Phone: +52 (777) 310-6492, +52 (55) 2099-3241
"Place near or by the side of the groove"
Home page of The Borda Garden
Home page of The Robert Brady Museum
Cuernavaca is the Capital City of the State of Morelos, Mexico. Located only 45 minutes from Mexico City (one hour and thirty minutes from the international airport) by the way of the Mexico - Acapulco expressway. Actually world-wide known as "The City of Eternal Spring" due to its excellent template climate with an annual average of 20ºC.
The ancient name of Cuernavaca is "Cuauhnahuac" in Nahuatl which means "Place near or by the side of the groove". Founded seven centuries ago almost a mile high in the Sierra Madre Mountains. Today the pyramid of Teopanzolco rises in a residential neighborhood; a half-hour from where Mesoamerican high priests at Xochicalco studied astronomy in 600 A.D. and arranged the calendar. There remain other vestiges from pre-Hispanic times such as a 14 ton. engraved stone called Chimalli, the great lizard carved in stone found at San Anton and the Chapultepec Eagle, only to name a few.
Until 1910, the state of Morelos was the third major sugar cane producer world wide, after Hawaii and Puerto Rico, but peasants slaved without hope on the enormous sugar cane haciendas. When the Mexican Revolution began, most haciendas were burned to the ground. Some of them have been restored as luxury hotels.
Cuernavaca is a modern tropical city that hosts a score of scientific research institutes, and industrial park with over one hundred industries, seventeen universities and extensions of the National University in Mexico City, and a global assortment of retires diplomats, business executives and government officials. This casual city also attracts people who seek a sunny place for creative or intellectual inquiry where they can find cultural stimulation and spirited conversations. Residents have included Erich Fromm, Diego Rivera, Carlos Fuentes, Helen Hayes, Malcolm Lowry, Ivan Illich, Gabriel Garcia Marques, Barbara Hutton, Rufino Tamayo, David Alfaro Siqueiros, to name a few.
Cuernavaca has also been established as an international learning center for Mexico's Language, Culture and history. At present, there are prestigious Spanish schools devoted to the high academic standards and strict ethical code of teaching Spanish, art and culture from Mexico and Latin America to foreigners.
For many years, Cuernavaca has been known as a resort where both Mexicans and foreigners come to enjoy the clean air, relax and enjoy the incomparable climate. The city is filled with gardens, tennis courts, spa's, golf courses, bathing resorts, restaurants and fine hotels offering every commodity. Within a 40 km radius, sports like water-skiing, fishing, hunting, horseback riding and mountain climbing can be practiced.
Main tourism attractions:
Teopanzolco Archaeological Site. In Nahuatl means "Behind the Old or Abandoned Temple". Considered one of the most important temples of the Pre Hispanic Tlahuica Culture in the Region. The double-temple of Tlaloc-Hutzilopochtli shows us how the ancient inhabitants of Cuauhnahuac built their worshipping sites over previous structures. Open: Monday thru Sunday from 10:00 to 17:00 hrs.
Palace of Cortes or Cuauhnahuac Regional Museum The Palace dates back from the colonial era, built in 1533 over a "Teocalli or Aztec Temple". It served as the summer residence of the conqueror Hernan Cortes and actually houses one of Mexico's finest museums. Among others, you can admire one of the most famous murals of Diego Rivera painted in 1929. Open: Tuesday thru Sunday from 9:00 to 17:00 hrs.
The Cathedral or Assumption's Franciscan Ex-Convent. Amazing architectonic complex formed by an atrium surrounded by tall "battlemented" walls. The Cathedral has been remodeled in the last 20 years and murals depicting the martyrdom of St. Felipe de Jesus were found all along both sides of the walls. There are also some interesting original paintings which date back to the XVII century. In the same complex are found the Chapel of San Jose, The Chapel of Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, the Chapel of Carmen as well as the Temple of Tercer Orden. Its also famous for its
POsted with permision de:
Tour By Mexico ®
e-mail: Phone: (777) 310-6492
Paseo de las Camelias # 3 - 204, Club de Golf Tabachines, 62498 - Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
MSN Messenger:
Mobile phone: + 52 777 203-1283
Tour By Mexico ®
Since 1997 the best and most extensive Mexico tourism website e-mail:
Paseo de las Camelias # 3-204, Club de Golf Tabachines
Cuernavaca 62498, Morelos. Mexico
Phone: +52 (777) 310-6492, +52 (55) 2099-3241
Yo estoy enamorado de vos
desde hace mucho tiempo
Me gusta tu cuerpo esbelto,
pero mas me gusta lo de adentro.
Muchas veces me di vuelta por vos
Y muchas dadas vueltas mas yo tendr?.
Siempre te he sido fiel
pero voz conmigo no lo sos
Cerveza,yo te quiero
Cerveza, yo te adoro
Cerveza,yo te quiero
sustancia, yo te adoro.
Yo estoy enamorado de vos
desde hace mucho tiempo
Me gusta tu cuerpo esbelto,
pero mas me gusta lo de adentro.
Muchas veces me di vuelta por vos
Y muchas dadas vueltas mas yo tendr?.
Siempre te he sido fiel
pero voz conmigo no lo sos
Cerveza,yo te quiero
Cerveza, yo te adoro
Cerveza,yo te quiero
Mi negra, yo te adoro.
Jon Secada - Amandolo lyrics
(spanish lyrics for "too late too soon")
Music by james harris iii, terry lewis and jon secada.
Spanish lyrics by jon secada and robert blades
Llegue sin avisar
No te quise despertar
Pero al entrar
Presenti algo en mi alma
No intentes explicar
Mi ojos no me enganan
Te vi.
Porque nunca sabras
Lo que senti
Cuando te vi
A quien yo culpo ahora
Si te deje tan sola
Ese fue mi gran error.
Hace cuanto tiempo
Que te estoy perdiendo
Jure por nuestro amor
Crei que eras mas fuerte.
Amandolo, amandolo
Te ve, te vi
Porque nunca sabras
Lo que senti
Cuando te vi
Amandolo, amandolo, baby.
Dime que debo hacer
Y no lo pude creer
Verte asi con el
Jure por nuestro amor
Crei que eras mas fuerte.
Amandolo, amandolo
Te vi, te vi
Porque nunca sabras
Lo que senti
Cuando te vi
Amandolo, amandolo.
desde hace mucho tiempo
Me gusta tu cuerpo esbelto,
pero mas me gusta lo de adentro.
Muchas veces me di vuelta por vos
Y muchas dadas vueltas mas yo tendr?.
Siempre te he sido fiel
pero voz conmigo no lo sos
Cerveza,yo te quiero
Cerveza, yo te adoro
Cerveza,yo te quiero
sustancia, yo te adoro.
Yo estoy enamorado de vos
desde hace mucho tiempo
Me gusta tu cuerpo esbelto,
pero mas me gusta lo de adentro.
Muchas veces me di vuelta por vos
Y muchas dadas vueltas mas yo tendr?.
Siempre te he sido fiel
pero voz conmigo no lo sos
Cerveza,yo te quiero
Cerveza, yo te adoro
Cerveza,yo te quiero
Mi negra, yo te adoro.
Jon Secada - Amandolo lyrics
(spanish lyrics for "too late too soon")
Music by james harris iii, terry lewis and jon secada.
Spanish lyrics by jon secada and robert blades
Llegue sin avisar
No te quise despertar
Pero al entrar
Presenti algo en mi alma
No intentes explicar
Mi ojos no me enganan
Te vi.
Porque nunca sabras
Lo que senti
Cuando te vi
A quien yo culpo ahora
Si te deje tan sola
Ese fue mi gran error.
Hace cuanto tiempo
Que te estoy perdiendo
Jure por nuestro amor
Crei que eras mas fuerte.
Amandolo, amandolo
Te ve, te vi
Porque nunca sabras
Lo que senti
Cuando te vi
Amandolo, amandolo, baby.
Dime que debo hacer
Y no lo pude creer
Verte asi con el
Jure por nuestro amor
Crei que eras mas fuerte.
Amandolo, amandolo
Te vi, te vi
Porque nunca sabras
Lo que senti
Cuando te vi
Amandolo, amandolo.
#1 Amor Eterno (Un Cancion Yo No SE for Nacho on CD)
I've uploaded the MP3 files to your site. They are available at the
following URL's:
The music to this is available at:
Juan Gabriel (Mexico)
Modified to fit Nacho's CD
Es Nacho Y Lynae en Cancion,
Yo No se
(it's Nacho and Lynae on A Song, I don't know (the title.
Am Dm
Tu er-es la tris-teza de mis o-jos
G7 C
Que llor-an en si-len-cio por tu-a--mor.....
Am Dm
Me mi-ro en el es-pe-jo y veo en mi ro--stro.............
G7 C
El ti-empo que he-su-frido por tu a-di-ós..........
Am Dm
Obli-go a que te-olvi0-e en el pensa-mi-ento..........
G7 C
Pues, siempre estoy pen-san-do en el ayer....
Am Dm
Pre-fie-ro estar dormido que des-pi-erto..........
G7 C
De tanto que le due-le que no es-tés...........
Am Dm
Co-mo qui-si-e-a, ay............
G7 C
Que tu vi-vi-er-as...................
Am Dm
Que tus o-ji-tos jamas se hu-bi-eran
F G7
Cerrado no unca
C Am
y es-tar mi-rán-do-los..................
Dm g7
A-mor E-te----r-no,..................
c Am
E in-ol-vi-da---ble.......
Dm F
Tarde o tem-pran-o estaré con-ti-go
Para se-gui----r.......................
Am Dm
Yo he sufrido-tanto por tu au-sen-cia..............
G7 C
De desde -hasta hoy, no soy fe-liz..............
Am Dm
Y aunque tengo tranqui-la mi con-ci-en-cia......
G7 C
Se que po-de haber yo hecho mas por ti...............
Am Dm
Ob-scu-ra sole-dad es-toy vi-vien-do...............
G7 C
La misma so-le-dad de tu se-pul-to.....................
Am Dm
Tú eres el amor de cual yo tengo
G7 C
El más triste re-cuer-do de A-ca-pu-l-co.
*Coro* chords and strumming, bam bam bam ba
Am Dm G7
Como qui-si-er-a, ay................
C Am
Que tu vi-vi-e--r-as...................
C F G7
Que tus o-ji-tos jamas- se hub-ier-an
Cerr-a-do un-ca
C Am
y es-tar mir--án-do-los..................
Dm G7
Amor Ete--r-no---------,..................
E in-ol-vi-da-ble..................
Am F
Tar-de o tem-pran-o es-tar-é con-ti-go
Para se-gir....................
C Am
Dm G G V Am
la la la la la laaa la la la lala la laaa la la la la
da da da da da da daaa la la la la la la laa da da daa da da
Dm G Dm G
(strumming patern with chords)
translation from internet.
You are the sadness in my eyes
The sadness that silently weeps your departure
I look into the mirror and I see my reflection
The suffering I have endured because you are gone
I promise to forget you in my thoughts
But, I am always thinking back to the past
I prefer to be asleep, rather than awake
Because it hurts me so much that you are not here
Oh how I wish, yes
That you were still alive
That your eyes had never closed
And I could be here looking into them
My Eternal Love
You are unforgettable
Sooner or later I will be with you
So I can continue loving you.
I have suffered so much because of your absence
Since that day forward, I have not been happy
Even though my conscience is clear
I still feel as though I could have done more for you
In obscure solitude I live now,
The same solitude of your crypt
You are the love I carry in my heart
The saddest memory of Acapulco.
following URL's:
The music to this is available at:
Juan Gabriel (Mexico)
Modified to fit Nacho's CD
Es Nacho Y Lynae en Cancion,
Yo No se
(it's Nacho and Lynae on A Song, I don't know (the title.
Am Dm
Tu er-es la tris-teza de mis o-jos
G7 C
Que llor-an en si-len-cio por tu-a--mor.....
Am Dm
Me mi-ro en el es-pe-jo y veo en mi ro--stro.............
G7 C
El ti-empo que he-su-frido por tu a-di-ós..........
Am Dm
Obli-go a que te-olvi0-e en el pensa-mi-ento..........
G7 C
Pues, siempre estoy pen-san-do en el ayer....
Am Dm
Pre-fie-ro estar dormido que des-pi-erto..........
G7 C
De tanto que le due-le que no es-tés...........
Am Dm
Co-mo qui-si-e-a, ay............
G7 C
Que tu vi-vi-er-as...................
Am Dm
Que tus o-ji-tos jamas se hu-bi-eran
F G7
Cerrado no unca
C Am
y es-tar mi-rán-do-los..................
Dm g7
A-mor E-te----r-no,..................
c Am
E in-ol-vi-da---ble.......
Dm F
Tarde o tem-pran-o estaré con-ti-go
Para se-gui----r.......................
Am Dm
Yo he sufrido-tanto por tu au-sen-cia..............
G7 C
De desde -hasta hoy, no soy fe-liz..............
Am Dm
Y aunque tengo tranqui-la mi con-ci-en-cia......
G7 C
Se que po-de haber yo hecho mas por ti...............
Am Dm
Ob-scu-ra sole-dad es-toy vi-vien-do...............
G7 C
La misma so-le-dad de tu se-pul-to.....................
Am Dm
Tú eres el amor de cual yo tengo
G7 C
El más triste re-cuer-do de A-ca-pu-l-co.
*Coro* chords and strumming, bam bam bam ba
Am Dm G7
Como qui-si-er-a, ay................
C Am
Que tu vi-vi-e--r-as...................
C F G7
Que tus o-ji-tos jamas- se hub-ier-an
Cerr-a-do un-ca
C Am
y es-tar mir--án-do-los..................
Dm G7
Amor Ete--r-no---------,..................
E in-ol-vi-da-ble..................
Am F
Tar-de o tem-pran-o es-tar-é con-ti-go
Para se-gir....................
C Am
Dm G G V Am
la la la la la laaa la la la lala la laaa la la la la
da da da da da da daaa la la la la la la laa da da daa da da
Dm G Dm G
(strumming patern with chords)
translation from internet.
You are the sadness in my eyes
The sadness that silently weeps your departure
I look into the mirror and I see my reflection
The suffering I have endured because you are gone
I promise to forget you in my thoughts
But, I am always thinking back to the past
I prefer to be asleep, rather than awake
Because it hurts me so much that you are not here
Oh how I wish, yes
That you were still alive
That your eyes had never closed
And I could be here looking into them
My Eternal Love
You are unforgettable
Sooner or later I will be with you
So I can continue loving you.
I have suffered so much because of your absence
Since that day forward, I have not been happy
Even though my conscience is clear
I still feel as though I could have done more for you
In obscure solitude I live now,
The same solitude of your crypt
You are the love I carry in my heart
The saddest memory of Acapulco.
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